Best statement jewelry for the Holidays

Best statement jewelry for the Holidays

The holidays for me have always been about making a statement! Dressing up, doing a full face beat (a rarity for me) and accessorizing to the nth degree! Even if you’re not into getting super dressy, you can easily take your look to the next level with good, statement accessories!

In this post I’ll share my top picks and stores for statement earrings and rings, but before we get into that I wanted to give a little fashion advice. Although I’m not really into statement necklaces, they really are the simplest way to not only dress-up your look, but also switch up your look as well. You could wear a series of dresses with the same statement necklace and I guarantee it’ll look different every time. That’s most likely because statement necklaces have a lot going on, hence the word…statement. But no really, they’re bigger and cover a larger area of the body so they’re bound to grab someone’s attention.

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A Holiday Fete: How to throw a Holiday Party on a budget!


 Yes, yes I know the holidays are over and were all sad, but I just wanted to share with you guys the Holiday Event that me and my friend Courtney planned on a budget.Courtney, editor of Coco's Allure and I teamed up to throw a memorable holiday event with minimal costs. If you are looking to throw an event or party on a budget there are some key aspects you'll need to stay on task.Tip 1:Write down your budget minimum and maximum. With events and parties things usually don't run smoothly so it's always a good idea to give a number range for your budget so that you are fully prepared.Tip 2:List what are necessities and what are add ons. Courtney and I knew that we didn't want our party to just be a regular get together, we wanted our guests to see the time and effort we put into are event! To help you achieve your goals but stay within the costs it's important to see what can be added and cut from the list.Tip 3:Once the budget is set, have a separate envelope, card or folder for your finances. It was helpful for Court and I to have a gift card that contained our money, that way we each put into the party equally, and no one was left carrying an extra load.Tip 4:Make your decorations, party favors and any other items that you don't need to buy. The dollar tree and christmas tree shops were super helpful for this event! We were able to get everything we needed for the party for about $100, 50 bucks each!Tip 5:Make it a Potluck! Having our party be a Potluck cut costs significantly and also left us with more food than we had imagined. Potlucks also gives you a variety of dishes so that everyone is thoroughly satisfied.Tip 6:Think of creative and fun activities to keep all guests engaged. While we had christmas music and movies playing throughout the house, we also have fun games (prizes were won) and a homemade photo booth for the guests to enjoy!Tip 7:Last but not least, as the host, have fun! Although we running around hours before the event began, we were able to partake in the merriment with our guests which was a very memorable experience!Want help throwing an event or party? Email me at,