Jamberry Nails Wraps!

I'm loving these Jamberry nails wraps! Although I usually prefer to just use polish on my nails, I decided to step out of my comfort zone and try something new, glad I did! You cannot tell me that these wraps are not adorable. Not only are the designs super cute, but the application process is simple, well for the most part!If you didn't know, I love to have my nails done. I love to try different polishes and when I'm feeling extra creative I'll try new designs. The last design I tried was the hot trend of shattered glass, using cellophane paper! As much as I love to be creative, sometimes doing nail designs takes a bit of time. Which is why I love jamberry. They have such cute designs and colors, which saves you the time and makes sure that each nail looks alike! Oh! and although they are nail wraps, they look realistic, minus the minor issues I had with applications, the designs looked professionally done, no one could tell they were wraps!Have you tried Jamberry nail wraps below? You should. Let me know what you think of mine in the comments section!Xoxo,Kelsley