Sweet Sweat | Why you should switch to natural deodorant!

I’m a firm believer that when one of your senses are impaired, another one is heightened! I’ve been glasses-blind for the majority of my life, I have very selective hearing, but when it comes to scents, I smell them before they’re even released. My nose is hypersensitive which I find super strange because I have allergies hehe! Of course, the scent I smell the easiest is my own and I think that’s why I’m always obsessed with how I smell. My hair, my skin, my fragrances and most importantly — my deodorant!

Now I’m aware, there is a stigma when it comes to natural deodorants. It’s pretty much if you want everyone to know what your body odor smells like then use natural deodorants. Most people are turned off by them because honestly THEY DON’T ALL WORK! And I can honestly say that because I’ve tried a few. Before I get into which deodorants you should look to switch to, let’s get into why natural deodorants are important.

Bacteria be FREE

I can admit that I’m not as “conscious” as we should be. Health-conscious, environmentally- conscious etc, but one of my goals for this year is to be more aware of what affects my health, not just by what I’m putting inside of my body, but what I’m putting on top of it as well.

FUN FACT: Some Antiperspants and deodorants trap bacteria under your skin. While they keep you smelling fresh, the sweat that is supposed to be released from your body is getting trapped under the skin which can lead to bacteriaaaaa. And I’m sure you might be thinking, Kelsley I can care less about this said “bacteria” as long as I don’t smell like rotten onions. WELL my friends, due to my experimenting with natural deodorants the past few months, I’ve realized that my natural body odor has improved tremendously, to the point where I can go out without deodorant some days and not be in a panic because the scent is so faint and doesn’t smell horrendous. This is because, again, the odor + bacteria are able to be released from my body with natural deodorants, my armpits can breathe and get the nastiness out.

Beneficial for your health

It’s nothing new to hear that some antiperspirants are linked to breast cancer. This is what initially prompted the switch for me because of the cancer history in my family. But it’s not just cancer, antiperspirants have also been linked to infertility causing chemicals, Alzheimer's disease, and skin complications.

Will it work for me?

Before I share my favorites, I will say that our bodies are all very different. It’s definitely a trial and error process when finding a natural deodorant that works for you. I also will admit that I keep a small size dove in my beauty closet for days where I need to be 1000000000% sure that I don’t smell (ie. Curlfest 2019). But after using Dove I’m always sure to do armpit detox or scrub to reset my pores and remove any buildup that may have been caused by the deodorant. You should also research armpit detoxes because it actually speeds up the time that the natural deodorant will need to adjust to your body and gives you a clean surface to start with!

These are the 3 deodorants that I’ve tried for a significant amount of time and I’ll share pros and cons of each.



  • Pros: Sweet smelling, gel-like finish, not only absorbs sweat but absorbs odor and release fresh scent when you are sweating. ( I never smelled my body odor using this product, I only smelled the scent when I was sweating)

  • Cons: only ONE— the coconut! I don’t know what’s happening to my body but it’s no longer reacting in a favorable way to coconut. The coconut in the product gave me a slight reaction which was exasperated when I shaved or used NAIR.



  • Pros: Variety of scents and options, absorbed moisture leaving armpits smooth and dry

  • Cons: Thick consistency, left a little residue which required scrub to remove, did not combat super sweat very well (slight body odor)



  • Pros: Variety of scents and options, travel sizes, soft application (similar to gel-like feel), certain scents combat sweat odor better than others which is perfect for those who sweat more

  • Cons: Combats odor for up to 6 hours before re-application is needed (I’ve just been carrying the travel size around)

Sweat now, shine later! Find a natural deodorant that leaves your sweat smelling sweet and your armpits feeling free!