Army Green, an instant Fall Fashion trend!
/Not even going to lie, I know that everyone is pretty much fed up with the weather and waiting for it to officially be Fall, but outfits like this wouldn't be possible if Fall were in full effect. Need a color that can make your summer outfit look Fall-ish? Add army green to your closet and you've got an outfit that's instantly a fall fashion trend!I would always mock certain parts of the United States that would pick out "Fall" items when their temperature never drops below 65 degrees, but after these two styles, I envy them a little. They get to experience summer in the Fall! And yes, I know that everyone in the tai-state area is currently hating the temperature, but trust me when I say you can still make Fall work, even when it's still warm!The key is, make fall colors work with summer-ish outfits! Army Green or Olive Green, whichever you prefer is the black of Fall! A somewhat neutral color that everyone should have or want in their closet! So whether its a green bag, hat, jacket or shoes, this particular color will make any outfit feel Fall-ish!I loveeeee a casual look, I may be extra and over the top at times, but I'm truly a lazy girl at heart! So any time I can make an outfit that could easily be changed into my pajamas or lounging clothes I'm all here for it!
Fall Fashion Trend, Army Green| Photographed by Elyse Ketura Photography
I know this isn't exactly the fur coats and sweaters look you may have been wishing for, but at least some of your fall clothes will get use before Christmas!