Now here's the NYE outfit you should have seen, but God knew. He knew that I needed to expand my creativity by not only creating one #DIY fringe look, but two! Because fringe is in.
Fringe is in!
I think I have a problem with simplicity, with taking the easier, less complicated route. Every NYE for the past two years has involved an outfit that was not easy to find! I figured I'd solve that issue by making my NYE outfit but boy was I wrong, or so I thought!Navy Blue, that's the color that I find most appropriate for NYE parties. It's not black (although black outfits are forever chic), but it's not super bright that it kills the night mood. It's a happy medium for me. So for the pat 3 years it's been my go to color. Let me start out by saying, I never thought that navy blue was a foreign, unusual color for the department stores to carry until now.I knew that I wanted to have an all navy outfit and before I even decided I wanted fringe on my pants I wanted to look for a simple yet festive navy blue top (don't forget, me and simple just don't mix). I could not find a top like that for the life of me. Navy blue glitter top, navy blue satin top, navy blue velvet top, NOTHING! I just wanted to be festive, that's it, but clearly that wasn't happening.So I decided to channel the festive part of my outfit into my pants, which of course led me to fringe. Now I'm sure most of you have seen the beautiful Rihanna inspired fringe pants that Nasty Gal and Missguided carry online. Of course, they stick to traditional colors that sell quickly like black and red, but I didn't want that, I wanted (let's all say it) NAVY! So I said to myself, hey why not make them. It seemed fairly easy as I only had to attach the fringe trim to the pants and I already had a beautiful pair of velvet navy blue pants to sew on.Now the next thing that happened to me was scarring, just dreadful! My top 5 favorite online shopping sites let me down...Amazon Never, not even once has Amazon disappointed me. They've even gone as far as providing me a refund for a mistake that I later realized was my own. But this time, the ONE time that I needed them to come through with the 2 day shipping, they delivered the fringe to my house 4 days late, 2 days after NYE!In my misery, I tried to keep hope alive by purchasing white fringe and dyeing it navy blue, and although it didn't exactly take the color, it led to my next creation; fringe on denim pants!After it all I can truly say that I'm pretty thankful. I knocked out two creative #DIYs, challenged my inner optimist and get to show you all two fringe outfits that I'm particularly proud of!Let me know what you think of these two creations! For a step by step tutorial on how to make the navy blue tiered fringe pants click here. 

Photographed by Elyse Ketura PhotographyXoxo,