The best Fitness app while quarantining, and it’s free!

No gym, no classes, not active routines, I know it’s tough. Some people like to workout for the look, for the six pack but I also know for others, working out is a vital component for their mental health! That’s what I wanted to share the best fitness app during quarantine, and oh — they’re currently offering a 90 day free trial. I just love Peloton.

I know what you may be thinking, “Kelsley I don’t have a Peloton bike, why would I download this app?!” Haha well here’s the perk my friends, the reason why I think this is the best app is that it offerings a variety of workouts, classes and routines that have nothing to do with the bike.

Peloton offers strength classes, body weight classes, boot camp, cardio, running and more! I tend to use the app for cycling, strength training (with weights), stretches and core.


Here are my favorite instructors that legit leave me super sore, yet strong! I be ready to curse them out during the workout but once it’s done I’m glad I did it!

Cycling— Ben Alldis; I don’t know if it’s the accent but I just an all the way captivated by him during this workout session. A little bit of eye (or ear) candy is always helpful when you’re trying to push yourself

Lower Body — Jess Simms; when I tell you I have never left one of her sessions and not felt sore I mean it! The soreness starts immediately. She challenges and pushes you to not only get through the workout but go up in weight (safely) while you’re at it! I’m starting to see the defining cuts in my legs and it’s all thanks to her!

Upper body— Rebecca Kennedy; ha ha ha ha ha! That’s all I can say. My arms have never been my strongest point so naturally this would be hard. But boy I’ll tell ya, I think that my arms are going to fall off every time. I also like that she’s very descriptive when it comes to form. Helps to make sure that I’m not injuring myself or doing the move improperly.

Happy fitquarantine,