The Secrets to Even Skin

 DSCN0668My wonderful mother (who went to a profession school for cosmetology) has taught me everything I needed to know growing up about taking care of your body, your skin and your hair, but the area that she was unable to give me much advice in was the makeup department. Not because she was ignorant to certain beauty products, just because her two makeup essentials truly are eyeliner and mascara, with the occasional blush.So this is where I turned to my big sis, Jeré! Jeré DeFreitas is a freelancer who has been working for Bobbi Brown for the past 8 years! Her interest in makeup and beauty started in her college years at Hampton University. Jeré has truly been able to touch my life, not only by doing my makeup, but by empowering me and several others to embrace the beauty within, while merely enhancing our outer beauty. With that being said, we took a little trip to Nordstrom and she gave me some tips on how to get even skin without caking on a lot of makeup!Tip 1:MoisturizeI tend to have really dry skin so Jeré gave me a few tips on how to be thoroughly moisturized. 1. Use eye cream! It is essential that you do not use your face cream under your eyes because that area is very sensitive. Be to sure to look for creams that are specific to that area. 2. Try using a repair serum if your skin has been dry for a period of time. Use this serum once a day underneath your moisturizer. 3. Use the right moisturizer for your skin. I use the Cetaphil cleanser and I am guilty of not reading the label. Jeré pointed out to me that my cleanser was for normal and oily skin, which I do not have. Be sure that if you have dry or oily skin that you pick the right moisturizer for your skin. 4. Be sure to exfoliate at least once a week! I have also noticed that my lips have been extra dry, which is not cute at all! If you use olive oil mixed with brown sugar as an exfoliator you will start to see the dead skin removed and your lips will be softer!Tip 2:Applying the baseIf you are like me and tend to have big eyes that create big dark circles, you might want to use some concealer. 1. Only use the concealer under your eyes never on your lids because it produces oil. 2. Typically it is good to apply the concealer before applying foundation, bb cream or other products to the face. 3. You don’t need to layer on makeup to get an even look! I would love to use foundation but my skin is just too sensitive. So instead I bought cc cream/tinted moisturizer by Bobbi Brown that Jeré used on me. 4. I love this tinted moisturizer because it fills in those dark areas and I do not have to apply much.After Before     ----------------------------------------------       5. Once you are done applying your base, if you still see areas that are not even simply use a little foundation to cover up those marks!Tip 3:The final touchesCorrect Edited jereNow depending on if you are going out or if this is an everyday look for you, you can add a few touches! I personally don’t like to use blush or bronzer unless it is a special occasion (sensitive skin remember) but it’s up to you!1. Bronzer before blush always! 2. Only apply your bronzer in the t-zone area 3. IF you want to create a fuller effect on your eyes be sure to smudge your linerDSCN0665 4. Also if you tend to have oily eyelids like I do, try using a base before applying your eye shadow or just stick to cream eye shadows!I hope you guys were able to learn something from reading this, I know I learned a lot. So these are just some tips if you want to change up your makeup or you wanted to start wearing makeup, try it out!Be Flawless,Xoxo

Heat Challenge

So for the past 5 months I’ve been heat free! And boy, it wasn’t easy, but the results were worth it. I’m going to give you the inside tips and tricks to staying away from heat.My Challenge:I am now two and half years natural and loving it! When I decided I was done with perms and relaxers, I wasn’t quite ready for the BC (Big Chop). I instead decided I was going to transition naturally. For the first 8 months my hair was always straight. I continued my weekly routines of blow-outs and straightening as if it was still relaxed. June 2013, I decided to try braid/twist outs and fell in love. Of course my attention span was not satisfied and I got into another routine of braid-outs one month, straight hair the next. This past December I decided to commit fully to being a naturalista as I was getting ready to embark on a new journey in Barcelona, Spain for the next 4 months. Now when I say no heat, I mean 0 heat, WHAT. SO. EVER. That means no blowing drying that damp twist out, no straightening my roots, nothing at all! I thought it would be simple at first, but I was in for a big surprise.I thank God, that I have fellow naturalistas to give me creative ideas, because if I didn’t, at that two-month mark, this heat challenge would have been over.Here are some of the tricks I used to survive:Air-dry braid out:

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Let hair air-dry after shower a little to ensure that it will dry overnightCrown braid (perfect to protect those ends!)


Cornrow bun- funky protective style that lasts for quite some time


Side Swept Braid out- way to switch up from traditional braid out when you get bored!IMG_5930Let me tell you, the struggle was REAL but it was worth the wait. My hair grew about 4 inches! And it feels healthier than it has ever been. This heat challenge isn’t just for naturalistas and curly-haired gals. It is something that everyone should try to get your hair to be healthier. Whether it is three weeks or half a year, start today and give your hair a heat- break!Be Patient!Xoxo