Beauty Babble: Moisturizing Natural Hair products for Fall

These past few months I know that my hair needed moisture, so I found moisturizing natural hair products for the fall that I just had to share! Keep reading for more!So I have a confession. I stopped  conditioning my hair for a few months *natural hair community goes WILD*. I know, it's bad and I had a semi-good reason for it. Since my hair is so thick I've resorted to washing my hair in my basement sink to avoid my hair messing up the pipes in the shower. Now every natural hair girl knows that a good  wash day can take anywhere from 2.5-5+ hours! Add that with having your head over a sink! It was too much work, so removing the step of deep conditioning was my only option.To my surprise (shouldn't have been surprised) my hair was drying out quickly! Scalp, ends, everything, just DRY! So I needed quick and instant moisture. These three products did jus that!

Jane Carter Solution 


This brand is a holy grail. One of the first lines I used when I was transitioning. It just knew what my hair needed and how to help it. Although I love this line, I never tried the nourish & shine product. Shouldn't have been surprised when my hair said ahhh after the first application. This stuff is amazing!

Long Aid Naturals 

One of my girls orders CURLBOX and she tells me all the time that I should sign up for the subscription but I always put it off. She received in her box Long Aid naturals' hair masque. She told me it was one of the best hair masques and I won't lie, at first I was skeptical. 1. Because our hair texture is different and 2. because there are so many brands that have great hair masques that aren't so great for me! Well I gave this one a good try, had it on for an hour. MAGIC I tell you! My mom helped me rinse it out and the first thing she said was "wow, your hair is really soft!"  Pleased by this line's hair masque, I also tried the elongating cream, and although it didn't stretch out my curls it did provide an ample amount of moisture!Check out my


for the application of each of these new babies!Have you guys tried

Jane Carter's Solution


Long Aid Naturals

? What's your favorite moisturizing product.Xx,
