"One should seek adoration, not attention"

Every once and awhile I get a phone call from my Dad, and instantly I feel that bubble ball up in my throat; his timing is always perfect. In the midst of our how you been? And how is school? The one statement that stood out to me the most, is “He needs to be absolutely head over heels in love with you, if he’s not, than he’s not for you.”That statement has been in my head for 24 hours and it’s making my heart grieve, how much I wish some of the girls in my generation could hear that just once, from a man who truly cares about them.Although I reassured him that I understood, I couldn’t help but feel guilty when I hung up the phone. How many times have I waited for the adoration of a man, but settled for attention. You convince yourself that he must love you because he calls you daily, you’re the first person he text when he wakes up, you go on dates, he says he loves you, but that’s not enough, if you still feel lonely. Love isn’t unsure; love isn’t a routine. If he’s convincing you that he loves you because he texts you everyday, he sends you flowers after he does something wrong and swears he won’t do it again, then you really should step back and ask yourself, what am I searching for. What am I missing that I’ve settled for the attention of man? Know that you’re worth so much more, that attention is not enough, and if he can’t see that, okay then maybe it’s time to move on.Now hear me out ladies, don’t go bashing him and telling him how he’s a good for nothing because he doesn’t love you the way you need to be loved, we all get to the point where we feel comfortable and don’t realize that something’s wrong. Be strong enough to realize that in some situations it is just best to leave. And that doesn’t make you a female dog, that doesn’t make you heartless, it saves you both time and energy, because if he doesn’t love you the way you should be loved and you find yourself constantly questioning your relationship with him, then maybe it’s just not meant to be, and that’s okay. Rest assured in the fact that, there is someone out their designed specifically for you, I promise, and it won’t feel forced, you won’t feel unsure, the timing will be just right, trust that.Be Resilient, Xoxo