Do-it-Yourself Fashion Inspired Phone Cases


I have a habit of always wanting to change my phone cases but never wanting to invest in 20 of them. This simple DIY allowed me to create Fashion Inspired Phone Cases that I can switch up whenever I like! Wanna give it a try? Then keep reading!What I love about this DIY is you only need one clear case. There's endless possibilities of designs that you can switch out at any time! Ooh and not to mention I made 3 cases for $15! Enough talking though let's get down to business. (Link to video is below!)FASHION INSPIRED CASES

Things you'll need for your Fashion Inspired Phone Cases:

Step One:

You can use any design you like, but I wanted something unique. I used a web based site called Pixlr (similar to Photoshop). Within Pixlr I adjusted the measurements to mimic an Iphone 6s (750 x 1334). One your measurements are set you'll want to remove the background for each item and print them inspired phone cases fashion inspired phone cases fashion inspired phone cases

Step Two:

In terms of printing, adjust the paper size to 3 x 5, this will ensure that the design is printed in the appropriate size for and Iphone. I printed the wording and the grids onto the transparent labeling paper. For the background images, I printed them on white printer paper.

Step Three:

Measure the sheet protector to the Iphone and cut out the shape. Once the items are cut out lay them on the sheet protector and secure them with glue if needed. The items that are printed on the labels won't need any inspired phone cases fashion inspired phone cases fashion inspired phone cases

Step Four:

After the items are secured onto the sheet protector, you can insert the protector into the phone case. Snap it on your phone and it will secure itself!fashion inspired phone casesfashion inspired phone casesThe sheet protectors are perfect for this project because they're thin and fit nicely within your phone case. They also allow you to create several designs and switch them out whenever you like! If you'd like to see a tutorial on how to create these cases check out my latest upload on my Youtube Channel.Xoxo,